
Ann Pfeifer

Ann Pfeifer is a certified nutrition, wellness and natural beauty expert dedicated to helping clients achieve their wellness and lifestyle goals. Be well grew out of Ann’s personal journey back to health after several injuries and an autoimmune illness. The road hasn’t been easy, but every struggle and stumbling block was key to getting here.

Ann is passionate about the healing power of whole foods and has a strong desire to help others reach their nutrition and lifestyle goals in a way that is empowering and exciting. Client’s receive customized programs based on their specific needs, goals and health issues. By integrating whole-foods nutrition, functional fitness and mind-body practices, Ann helps clients make gradual changes that are sustainable to live a healthy and balanced life.



Keep it simple: focus on the abundance of whole foods and pure ingredients, not a diet of deprivation. There is no perfect diet; there is no secret … it is about finding balance. Finding balance is about making smart, informed food choices most of the time.

Everyone knows it is important to eat better and more nutritiously, but the hard part is putting it into practice and being inspired to get it done. This is where you will want to come back to every week.



  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
  • eCornell Center for Nutrition Studies (in progress)
  • International Dermal Institute (Licensed Medical Esthetician)
  • AADP Board Certification
  • Specialized training:
    – Type 2 Diabetes
    – Interstitial Cystitis
    – Weight Management
    – Chronic Pain
    – Skin Nutrition